Endurance program underway

A keen group of Pirates has taken up the Endurance 1000 swimming challenge, starting last weekend.  The Endurance program involves swimming distances of 400m, 800m, 1500m, 30minutes, 45 minutes and 1 hour in all the different strokes. You are actually only swimming against yourself and it is a great way to watch your improvement during the year as you repeat the 400m and 800m swims in different months of the year.

Our 1st Endurance session was held on Saturday 10th at 2pm at the WAC and we had 10 Pirates swim at the first session. We explained the program and now it is possible for people to join up and do some swimming at a time to suit themselves or perhaps do a swim before training on Tuesday, Thursday or Sundays. If you would like some more information please let me know, and I am looking forward to enjoying lots more Endurance sessions.


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